Motion Blur Bug
- For non-rotating motion, it seems ok. But when there's rotation, like a spinning fan, you get the centre parts blurred, and as you go towards the tip of the blade, it suddenly becomes sharp.
The blurring isn't gradual to the end, it kinda cuts abruptly, so when the animation is viewed, it seems disruptive and ugly.
I've also seen strange phenomena like UFOs appearing when motion-blur is active.
- I understand that the network version (which I don't own) contains multi-pass rendering, that can solve this anomaly.
But according to the netrender help (on the cdrom, "netrender svr->pools->jobs->adding"), it says, "...Unfortunately to get good results you have to take a lot of samples, thus you must render the frame many times. If it takes 1 minute to render your frame and you set the number of passes to 9, then it will take 9 minutes per frame to render."
You don't wanna discuss speed, but that kind of difference scares the hell out of me.
The standard non-network motion-blur doesn't have to be as good as the network version, but as it exists now, it is terrible.
- Produced on PII-450, 128MB RAM, Win98SE.
With Motion Blur

Can you spot the flying UFO?
(.avi [mpeg] - 3.3sec - 592KB) |
Without Motion Blur 
Luckily, in this shot, I don't need motion-blur. However, if he were running...
(.avi [mpeg] - 3.3sec - 588KB)
. |
Arm Rotation

(.avi [mpeg] - 3.3sec - 244KB)